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Construction of Guidong-Xintian Expressway in full swing


 As one of the first key highway construction projects in Hunan’s “14th Five Year Plan”, the construction of Guidong-Xintian Expressway project is in full swing, which will contribute to the improvement of Hunan’s highway network and the economic and social development along the expressway.




The first section of the expressway has a total length of 15.88 kilometers, with 18 bridges, the total length of which is 4.96 kilometers. 1,424 T-beams need to be produced throughout the year, and the prefabrication production of 6 T-beams can be completed in one day. The prefabricated T-beams will be transported to the bridge construction site for substructure construction. Currently, 50% of the substructure progress has been completed.
According to a staff of the project, currently, 325 workers are busy with subgrade and bridge construction, and it’s expected that the subgrade earthwork construction will be completed at the end of July this year.
Chinese source: hunantoday