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2014 Basic Medical Insurance Payment Standard of Urban and Rural Residents to be Confirmed



“Notice for the work of 2014 basic medical insurance payment of urban and rural residents” was issued by Chenzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and Chenzhou Municipal Finance Bureau. Many working details were figured out in the notice.


According to the notice, the payment standard is 60yuan per capita for 2014. The demobilized soldiers, new born babies and some financial aid recipients should pay full payment at one time on the basis of the sum of 2014 individual payment standard and financial aid amount.


In order to make the residents more convenient to take the medical treatment, social security card would be released to the urban and rural residents. All the insured residents have to follow the exact procedures to assist the personal information collection to make sure the security card can be released to them without problems.


It was reported that the insurance payment should be proceeded between September 1 and December 20, 2013.