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Large and Special Markets are the Key Construction Projects of Chenzhou



30 Billion Yuan is Planned for a Wholesales Center of Modern Agriculture, 11 Special Markets, 6 City Commercial Synthesis and 12 District Commercial Synthesis


Recently, Qu Hai, Chenzhou vice Secretary Municipal Committee of the CPC and the mayor, has made some arrangements in the meeting for large special markets' construction. The construction aims to establish a basic market system, which has wise layout, optimum structure, high level of modernization and wider radiation, for which 30 billion yuan is expected to be invested in the next three years.


Based on the policy of "market construction year", a wholesales center of modern agriculture, 11 special markets, 6 city commercial synthesis and 12 district commercial synthesis will be established in the future. Meanwhile, the "interim measures to support the construction of large and special markets" will be issued to gurantee the system of address planning, land supply, financial support and preferential tax.


As for the project for people's well-being, Qu Hai pointed out that the special market had close relationship with people's life as well as the construction and management upgrading and model-transfer upgrading of tertiary industry. It's the key point for Chenzhou municipal government, so central and local departments must enhance their understanding and ensure this project to move smoothly.


Qu Hai emphasized the following principles: all kinds of the market construction must avoid the redundant development and disorderly competition; strictly control the usage of the land, avoiding the enclosure in land; truly establish the system of benefiting people and flourishing economy; further reform the market of Bei Hu and Ma Jiaping, reinforcing supervision of market and making everything in good order; put more efforts to construction of the system. At the same time, Central and local departments must accelerate the process, implement the target of market construction and ensure the special market construction to obtain actual effect.


City leaders-Zhang Aiguo and Liting participated in the meeting.