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County Economy Development



Zixing city, Guiyang county, Yongxing county, Beihu district and Yizhang county which were with the top advanced county economy condition of Chenzhou city were named in the list of 2012 top ten counties and advanced counties on development of county economy of Hunan province.

What were their successful methods? Any experience the five counties can share with others? How about their future plan? In order to find out the questions, reporters took some interviews with the some principals of relative departments.


Four great activities” helped to grant a sound foundation for the development of county economy.

It was introduced by Zhu Xiaodang- Minister of Rural Working Department of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Director of Chenzhou Rural Office that total volume of county economy in 2012 was amounted to 151.727 billion yuan with an increase of 12.4%. Zhu considered that the “four great activities” as transportation construction, industrial transformation, city upgrading, and working style rectification helped to grant a sound foundation for the development of county economy.


Zhu said, the communication of county economy was promoted by transportation construction, industrial structure of county economy was optimized by industrial transformation, urbanization and overall development of urban & rural areas was accelerated by city upgrading, and working conditions were improved by working rectification. Thanks for all those sound performance of the four activities, Chenzhou city achieved the great improvement on the development of county economy.


Keeping unique features and advantages of the counties

The key point concerned for the assessment of county economy was the economic development condition.


What was the corn point for the success of the five counties? Zhu considered was industry. To accelerate the development of featured industry by keeping unique features and advantages of the counties was the key for the successful achievements of the five counties.


Different features of the five counties in 2012:

Zixing city: its tourism industry was highly improved by focusing on the promotion of Dongjiang lake brand, and the development of industrial park was accelerated greatly.


Guiyang county: traditional industrial transformation and upgrading was promoted by the new industrialization. More than 123 above scale enterprises have been established in the county which enabled the increase of scaled industry with a rate of 16.2%. Industrial economy took 58.8% of its GDP.


Yongxing county: series projects were finished and placed to production in 2012. At the meantime, it was successful in establishing the national demonstration base of “city minerals”, national utilization and disposition base for hazardous wastes of heavy metals and provincial demonstration county of promotion of rural land treatment.


Beihu district: total retail sales of consumer goods were amounted to 16.81 billion yuan in 2012. Some projects concerned for tertiary industry as combined transportation, international express, etc. were upgraded in this district. Logistic industry and tourism industry were promoted rapidly as well.


Yizhang county: traditional advantageous industry was upgraded greatly, such as 11 coal mines were formed as a coal industry group. 176 above scale industrial enterprises have been established in the county, which helped to reach 7.703 billion yuan added value and optimize the industrial structure accordingly.


Furthermore, modern agriculture, infrastructure constructions of urban area, well-being projects were with great achievements in the five counties.


Keeping forward to the promotion of county economy

Zhu stated that county economy should be kept forward for further promotion. Objectively speaking, some problems as weaker overall strength, lower economic quality, unbalanced area development, etc. still hindered the way for the development of county economy of Chenzhou city. These five top counties of Chenzhou city were still with high resource dependence to promote their county economy. On this point, industrial structure should be further optimized. Though now there were some achievements reached by the counties, a long term way was ahead to be better improved with more successful experience of other counties of Hunan province.