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More Concern for Small and Micro Enterprises



Series report of development condition for Chenzhou’ enterprises


It was learned from some principals of small and micro enterprises (whose business scale were less than 20million yuan) that bigger scale companies were with more favorable policies to settle the operation issues, on the contrary, the smaller ones were with more difficulties.


Does smaller business scale mean less important issue?

It was introduced by Mr. Cao who was the principal of one of the small and micro enterprises that services handled in the government affairs center were similar between bigger scale ones and us, but it would be more difficult for us if went to the relative departments.


Because no specified department mentioned by Cao to check what the different service he stated, it was difficult to the reporters to find the reality accordingly. But the resentful feeling for the big scale enterprises was an ordinary situation during the reporters’interviews with small and micro enterprises’ owners. Most of them considered that the big scale enterprises were with more favorable policies and better service resources.


Currently, there were more than 8000 small and micro enterprises on agricultural industry, retail, etc. available in Chenzhou city. All of them played important roles in the development of Chenzhou city’s economic development. In order to optimize the development condition of small and micro enterprises, special policies on further promotion of them were issued by Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Chenzhou Government. Furthermore, equal treatments were handled out for both small and micro enterprises and big scale ones on “year of development environment renovation”.


It would be appreciated for small and micro enterprises’ kindly understanding that due to the limited work force and time, some issues would be with some different service to handle the urgent issues first. Of course, in the following step, all the departments should pay attention to the entrepreneurs’ concern to treat them equally.


Does “grass-roots institutions” mean poor service?

Most small and micro enterprises were in the counties and towns, so they were with more chances to contact with the grass-roots institutions. But it was learned during the reporting process that some of the entrepreneurs were not satisfied with their service.


Mr. He-general manager of one small and micro enterprise said: “compared with municipal level institutions’ professional service, the service for the grass-root institutions were with worse service.”


Another general manager of other enterprises complained the same situation to the reporters that when he went to a county level institute to settle some issues, the service attitude for the staffs was very bad. But the municipal level’s institutions were much better.


According to the data collected by Chenzhou Municipal Working Style Office currently, there was big gap between the service quality of municipal institutions and grass-roots institution. The professional qualification and individual accomplishment of the grass-roots institutions’ staffs should be upgraded accordingly.


Both the municipal level and grass-roots institutions were national public servants whose rights were granted by the masses, so all of them should serve for people. The grass-roots institutions’ staffs should bear in mind that no tiny things when they serve for people, so everything should be paid equal serious attitude to make sure the enterprises’ can be forwarded fluently for next step of development.