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Gradual Decrease of Social Logistic Cost on GDP



It was learned from Chenzhou Economy and Information Commission that with the great development of Chenzhou city’s transportation condition, the social logistic cost on GDP was kept declining in recent years. According the statistic, the social logistic cost of 2012 was amounted to 30.083 billion yuan. The percentage for the cost on GDP was with a declining trend from 2009 to 2012.


In recent years, transportation construction, city upgrading, and city’s infrastructure construction were carried out well in Chenzhou city, especially for the service infrastructure, transportation and communication service. All those achievements helped to decrease the cost of logistic. Till the end of 2012, 17000kms roads have been finished in Chenzhou city, including 577kms expressway. Now, most of the counties in Chenzhou city were facilitated with expressway. At the meantime, high speed railway was with great help to upgrade railway transportation capacity.


Furthermore, more logistic companies were established in Chenzhou city. 1.066 billion yuan operating revenue was hit by 41 above designated size transportation enterprises, up 13.1%. 23 of them were with more than 10 million yuan operating revenue and 3 of them were above 100 million yuan. Some were qualified as 4A, 3A and 2A grade logistic level logistic enterprises. Xiangnan International Logistic Park was enrolled in the list of “eight key Hunan provincial logistic parks”.