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Upgrading Tobacco’s Quality and Brand



How about the progress for purchasing of tobacco on this hot season? Shou Jianzhong- Member of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee and Secretary-general of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee investigated Guiyang county to check this question mentioned above on August 20, 2013. Shou stated that it was with a sound trend for the purchasing issues of tobacco in Guiyang county, but more attention should be placed on the upgrading of tobacco’s quality and brand.


Shou and his investigation team visited some purchasing sites of Guiyang county and learned the details on the purchasing progress, grade, quality, price, etc. and chatted with the tobacco farmers on site.


According to the statistic, 0.145 million loads of tobacco have been purchased by Guiyang county, covering 22.92% of the whole task issued to the county. Its average tax price and subsidized price were 12.54 yuan/500g and 13.69 yuan/500g. 198 million yuan has been paid for the purchasing issue. 39.97 million yuan taxes have been fulfilled via the purchase, covering 22.84% of the total task set beforehand. All were with better progresses compared with last year.


A symposium was held after visiting the purchasing sites. Shou pointed out that generally speaking, it was with a sound trend, fast speed and high quality for Guiyang county’s purchasing of tobacco. But more attention should be paid on the quality and brand of tobacco, purchasing order, and optimization of purchasing condition. Local government should coordinate with the tobacco departments to solve the problems happened on the way of purchasing.