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Chenzhou Culture and History Research Association Established in Chenzhou City



It was reported that the inauguration ceremony of Chenzhou Culture and History Research Association & first assembly was held on November 26, 2013, marking that there is special institution of culture and history research available in Chenzhou city.


In recent years, more experts, scholars, groups and individuals who are enthusiastic in the research of culture and history increased rapidly. But because lacking of communication among relative departments and social communities, Chenzhou city’s culture and history work was poor on systematicness, organization and planning, which weakened the local features of Chenzhou city. In order to improve the condition, followed with the permission of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee, Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC led this action to establish Chenzhou Culture and History Research Association.


“Regulations of Chenzhou Culture and History Research Association” ( draft ), “solution on fund management of Chenzhou Culture and History Research Association” ( draft ), and “solution on election of members for first assembly of Chenzhou Culture and History Research Association” ( draft ) were past on the conference. Lei Chunyong- Deputy Director of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC was elected as the Director of Chenzhou Culture and History Research Association. Executive members of the association, Deputy Director and Secretary-general were elected out on the conference as well.


It was pointed out by Chen Shezhao- Director of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC that it was helpful for further improvement of culture and history work of Chenzhou city by establishing this association. She required that the association should try their best to handle out the research work well to grant the better intellectual and cultural support for Chenzhou city’s take-off. 


Some Hunan provincial leaders and Chenzhou municipal leaders attended the conference.