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Guiyang County Accelerates Its Livable Towns Construction



It was learned that some measures of livable towns construction concerned for overall development of urban and rural areas were figured out by Guiyang County Party Committee and Guiyang Government recently. All measures were on the basis of Guiyang county’s practical condition that it is with more agricultural population.


Deepening environment renovation details, covering dredging, blocks, garbage, water, roads, public toilets, kitchens, houses, greening, decoration, cleaning, and order were listed on the measures, which were mainly on upgrading rural people’s happiness index.


Peng Guochun- Principal of Guiyang County Committee Party School said: “building a beautiful and livable town means to build more beautiful rural areas to rural residents with better living condition.”


Focusing on carrying out rural construction and implementing Chenzhou city’s relative policies and ideas, Guiyang county paid special attention on following issues: it planned to finish 200 villages’planning and perfect the towns’ infrastructure facilities; it would place more efforts on some central and demonstration towns construction and environment improvement of the towns’ government, landscapes, main roads , urban-rural fringe zones and 200 administrative villages (natural villages); and it would forge 2 or more new rural demonstration areas with high standard to promote new rural construction of more villages, especially on the characteristic towns construction of Liufeng and Taihe and Chenzhou avenue demonstration belt construction.


Peng said gladly that it was a new idea and measure for Guiyang County Party Committee and Guiyang Government on the promotion of overall development of urban and rural areas, new urbanization and city management. It not only match central government’s requirement, but meet the demand of urban and rural residents of Guiyang county as well.