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Yongxing County’s Sound Projects Construction Achievements



Yongxing section of Chenyong avenue was opened to public, Bolin Industrial Park is under construction, and Yindu avenue is on the crucial step of construction process. All the above achievements are for Yongxing county’s sound achievements on projects construction. It was reported that 12.25 billion yuan investment has been placed in Yongxing county in 2013, covering 112.4% annual plan. 199 projects have been fulfilled or over-fulfilled, covering 93.4% of all projects. 18.1 billion yuan were placed on fixed asset with an increase of 35%, ranking the top place of Chenzhou city.


Yongxing county placed great efforts on the projects construction in 2013 by different methods, such as strict responsibility mechanism to take charge of one project by one leading team, “frontline execution of work” to solve problems hindered on the way of construction, concentrated approval activities to pay more attention on key projects, innovation financing ways to collect more funds to promote the projects construction, etc.


At the meantime, Yongxing county paid balance attention on the “investment attraction” and “investment selection” to ensure more high-tech and large-scale projects to be introduced into the county, which would help to accumulate more endogenous power of economic development and promote the transformation of economy. Some policy projects as national experimental zone, national pilot county of smart city, national advanced county of circular economy and etc. which concerned for Yongxing county’s long-term improvement were obtained by the county. Currently, series projects accounting for 25.76 billion yuan investment were settled down in Yongxing county. According to the statistic, 14.39 billion yuan scaled industrial added value was fulfilled in Yongxing county, up 13.2%; 7 more foreign-invested projects were introduced into the county, accounting for $ 93.41 million actual use of foreign investment, up 29%; and 2.65 billion yuan domestic investment were paid for the projects, up 11.9%.