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Sound Respondents of Chenzhou City’s Reform of Economic System



It was learned from Chenzhou Development and Reform Commission that Chenzhou city focused on dealing with the core point of the relationship between the government and market to fully carry out the deepening reform of economic system in 2014. Great respondents were achieved by Chenzhou Government on the reform of 43 items as simple administration and power decentralization, reform of the state-owned enterprises, financing and investment, technology, open economy, finance, and etc.


Concerned for the simple administration and power decentralization, Chenzhou city took active actions on gaining provincial level administration authority and kept promoting serious reforms on administrative approval system, registration system, “three certifications in one” system, public resource transaction management system and etc. All of those greatly helped to release the economic vitality. Currently, Hunan Authorized Office was working on releasing administration authorities to Chenzhou city; 132 items were deducted from Chenzhou municipal level administrative licensing with a decreasing rate of 57.39%; the reform of commercial registration system has almost been finished; and reform of “three certifications in one” system was being fully proceeded in Chenzhou city.


Concerned for the battle on reform of the state-owned enterprises and investment mechanism, Chenzhou city have been finished last round of the reform of the state-owned enterprises. 40 leftover problems which were listed in the reform plan for the municipal reformed enterprises have been fully settled. At the meantime, “directory of the authorized investment projects of Chenzhou government(2014 version)” was released to public, on which 27 authorized rights were canceled or decentralized.


Concerned for the reform of technological talents mechanism and fiscal, tax and financial mechanism, Chenzhou city established the strategic alliance of the technological innovation of rare metals industry; launched “Chenzhou venture base of undergraduates”, “incubator of Sun Yat-Sen University”, “international enterprise incubator” and some other projects; and implemented two times expansion of “transformation of business tax to add-value tax”policy. From January to November of 2014, Chenzhou municipal level“three public expenses” was with a decreasing rate of 36.08%. The departmental budgets for 217 subordinate budget departments and “three public expenses”budgets were issued to the public. The quantity of taxpayers covered in“transformation of business tax to add-value tax”policy were amounted to 2570. Chenzhou Rural Commercial Bank and Rucheng Rural Commercial Bank were established and placed to operation. Jingui Silver was successfully listed. 1.7billion yuan bonds of the third phase of urban investment and 1.8billion yuan bonds of Baifu investment were approved to be issued. The bond application submitted by the second phase heavy metal pollution of Xiangjiang river was approved by National Development and Reform Commission.


Chenzhou city also accelerated its speed on establishing the new mechanism of open economy. It figured out the draft of “strategic cooperation framework agreement of open cooperation pilot of Hunan and Guangdong province”which was purposely to forge a key regional cooperation filed between Hunan and Guangdong province. In 2014, the public bonded warehouse of Huaishuxia railway goods yard was approved to be set up and was covered into the reform pilot of cross-border express custom clearance of Guangdong- HK highway. Business of“five fixed trains”from Chenzhou to Huangpu of Guangzhou was placed to trial operation. Chenzhou High-tech Industrial Zone was passed the study of the conference handled by the State Ministry of Science and Technology and was hopefully to be approved successfully.