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Urban Master Planning of Chenzhou City to be Finished in the End of 2015



It was learned from Chenzhou Planning Bureau that the revision work for “Urban master planning of Chenzhou city (2009-2030)” would be finished in the in the second half year of 2015.
The revision work for Chenzhou city’s urban master planning was launched in June 2013, and the implementation and evaluation report for the master planning was started then as well. In December, 2014, the implementation and evaluation report was approved by Hunan Provincial Housing Ministry which indicated that Chenzhou city’s urban master planning was approved principally. Now, the solution for the urban master planning was preliminarily taken shape.


As introduced by Fu Lide- Chief Engineer of Chenzhou Urban Planning Design Institute that it was purposely to forge an upgraded version of urban master planning, especially on following 10 points as target, overall development of urban and rural areas, interaction of production and city, city function, transportation system, environment quality, cultural level, city image, and etc.