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Over 800 Million Yuan on Improving Water Environment Quality of Dongjiang Lake Placed by Zixing City in 3 Years



It was learned that over 800million yuan was invested by Zixing city in recent 3 years to improve water environment quality of Dongjiang lake, which helped to keep Dongjiang 1st grade reservation area’s water remaining Class I and Class II surface water’s quality all year around.


When reporters arrived at Dabai dock of Dongjiang lake landscape, a new type recycling ship of oil contamination was stopped on the bank. It was introduced by the principal that this ship which is mainly used for recycling the oil contamination caused by the 3000 ships of Dongjiang lake was placed to operation on November 28, 2013. It is also the first specialized oil contamination recycling ship settled in Hunan province. At the meantime, 23 catering ships covered about 9980 square meters were banned in Dongjiang lake, 177 old ships were eliminated there, and 159 passenger ships were facilitated with storage tank of sanitary sewage.


Currently, one sewage treatment plant and three lift pump stations have been placed to operation in Zixing city with the daily processing capacity of 11,300tons. The sewage treatment facilities construction on towns and counties was firstly carried out in Zixing city in Hunan province. Till now 10,003pcs of cage culture cultivated in Dongjiang lake have been returned to the bank, accounting for 248,300square meters, and 169 live pig plants have been left Dongjiang lake area, accounting for 32,200 square meters.


In recent three years, over 800million yuan funds have been placed by Zixing city on the water pollution treatment and some other environment protection issues. Thanks to the treatment of pollution, Dongjiang lake’s channels were kept clear and clean.