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Guiyang County Tries to Forge Three Characteristic Industrial Brands



It was learned from Guiyang county that an implementation plan for deepening the reform of scientific and technical mechanism was officially released in the county. Four main reform measures were confirmed on the plan to try to forge three characteristic industrial brands as apple, Chinese herbal medicine and oil tea and try to promote Guiyang county to be the national pilot county of enriching people with technology.


The four reform measures are as follow: implementing the innovation-driven development reform and accelerating the establishment of market-oriented and technical transformation mechanism of technical innovation; establishing the collaborative innovation mechanism; optimizing the allocation of technical resources and exploring technical plan and special post subsidy mechanism; and exploring the market-oriented evaluation mechanism of technical results. Furthermore, intangible assets pledge loans of intellectual property, and etc., cultivation and introduction of transaction in technology, and other aspects were figured out in the plan.


As one of Hunan provincial pilot counties of intellectual property, Guiyang county kept on finding more methods to solve the narrow-neck problem of technical development in recent years. In order to mobilize the technical innovation, it issued different files as “regulations on subsidies for patent application”, “encouragement approaches on patent rewards”, and etc. Every year, over 200,000yuan awards are allocated for the rewards of excellent patents by the county, which helps to drive the annual increasing rate of the patent application to be double-digit. According to the spirit of “implementation plan for deepening the reform of scientific and technical mechanism”, it would cultivate 10 high-tech enterprises during the “thirteenth five-year” period, and would set up 5 county level technical innovation demonstration enterprises and 5 Chenzhou municipal level technical research & development centers from August, 2015 to August, 2016. All the enterprises and R&D centers would be subsidized with 50,000yuan.