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Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC Tries to Provide Sound Environment for the Development of Enterprises



It was reported that Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC held an investigation symposium for the representatives of principals of economic chambers of commerce and enterprises on August 20, 2015. Chen Shezhao- Chairman of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC required that Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC should take all the raised questions as the topics of future investigation and enhance the analyze work to assist Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Chenzhou Government to create sound environment for the development of enterprises.


Currently, what is the practical condition for the economic development of all industries? What about their problems? How should the Municipal Party Committee and Government to handle the service and optimization of environment for the enterprises under current economic situation? What about the enterprises’comments and suggestions for Chenzhou city’s “thirteenth 5-year” plan? The attendees shared their ideas on all the questions mentioned above on the symposium.


After listening to their speeches, Chen Shezhao appreciated all the representatives’comments and suggestions based on the enterprises’ practical condition and stated that all of them would be collected and submitted to Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Chenzhou Government as proposals and would be followed up accordingly.


Chen also stated that all enterprises should keep optimistic and confident to take active actions under the difficult situation; should keep handle innovations on concept, management, technology, and etc. to seek the vigor source of the enterprises; and should work together with other enterprises and up/downstream companies to reach the improvement together.
Lei Chunyong and Zhou Hailin- Vice Chairman of Chenzhou Municipal CPPCC attended the conference.