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Direct Dealing with Power Supply Companies


It was learned from Zixing Economy Informatization and Commerce Bureau that in order to handle the pilot work on the direct dealing between power consumers and power suppliers, Zixing city confirmed four companies as the first pilots in 2016 on the basis of “Hunan temporal procedures of access administration on direct dealing between power consumers and suppliers” and Hunan Government’s “Comments on expanding effective investment to keep stable economic increase”. The four pilots submitted by Zixing city and approved by Hunan Information and Economy Commission are as follow: Chenzhou Fengyue Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Chenzhou Shanshan New Material Co., Ltd., Chenzhou Yixing Steel Co., Ltd., and Hunan Jinlei Southern Concrete Co., Ltd.


It was introduced that the four companies used 435million kilowatt hours in 2015 and was estimated to use 530million kilowatt hours in 2016. According to “Notice on handling the pilot of reform of electric power system” which was issued by National Reform and Development Commission and National Energy Administration that once the pilots enrolled into the list of tiered pricing, differential pricing, or punitive pricing for electricity, they will be disqualified from the direct dealing list automatically.