Cole flowers bloom gloriously every March. Danxia landform decorated with cole flowers in Anren Dukou forms a unique beautiful image there and attracts a large number of visitors to enjoy their leisure time there.
After 10-day online voting, the results of “Chenzhou city’s most beautiful place of cole flowers” which was sponsored by Caromand Bakery, Chenzhou Daily Media Group New Media Broadcasting Development Center, and Chenzhou Tourism & Foreign Affairs Bureau were released recently. Anren county won the title with 27,395 votes.
It was introduced that the voting was started from March 1, 2016. Netizens can vote their favorite place via Chenzhou Daily Media Group New Media Broadcasting Development Center’s public Wechat ID chenzhounews. 65,147 votes were collected in the 10 days.
Chenzhou New Media Center will extract 20 lucky netizens to attend one-day trip to “Chenzhou city’s most beautiful place of cole flowers” afterward.
Furthermore, lottery-attached paper event was being kept proceeding, so the netizens can keep subscribing their papers with cole flowers photos via [email protected]. 6 excellent photos will be selected from the subscribers and winners will be rewarded with different valuable gifts provided by the Caromand Bakery.