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120,000 New People Joined in Urban & Rural Residents Insurance


“We’d like suggest you to join in the 3000yuan/year annual fee category, because there is 300yuan government subsidies for this insurance. Both the two parts capitals will be covered into your private account and favored with same banking rate.” When reporters arrived at the office of Yongxing Urban and Rural Residents Insurance Center, a staff was explaining details of the insurance to local residents who were consulting details of insurance. Li Wangen confirmed to select the 3000yuan/year annual fee category after learning the details.


Yongxing County launched the urban and rural residents insurance work from 2012 and integrated the “New Rural Residents Insurance” and “Urban Residents Insurance” to be “Urban and Rural Residents Insurance” in 2014. After that, it placed more financial support on the well-being projects, which increased the financial subsidies standards. The residents are encouraged to join in high level annual fee category, so that they can expect to get higher level in return.


It was introduced that the subsidies for 500-1000yuan level annual fees are subsidized with 60yuan, 70yuan, 80yuan, 90yuan, 100yuan, and 110yuan, while the high level 1500yuan, 2500yuan, and 3000yuan high level annual fees are subsidized with 150yuan, 200yuan, 250yuan, and 300yuan respectively.


Thanks to the higher level subsidies, more people joined in the insurance. Till now, 349,100people were covered into the insurance, 221,700people paid their fees by themselves. 2979people chose the level over 500yuan, and 847people chose 3000yuan level. The average fees were increased from 105.81yuan to 126.98yuan.