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Integration of National and Local Taxes Reach Sound Effects


“Thanks for the integration of national and local taxes office that we settle all procedures within 10 minutes. It is so convenient!” gladly said by one of the taxpayers who went to the joint office of national and local taxes in Chenzhou High-Tech Industrial Zone.


From the beginning of 2016, the National Tax Bureau and Local Tax Bureau of Chenzhou High-Tech Industrial Zone greatly promoted the integration of two bureaus’ businesses. The data concerned about the businesses of the taxes were programed as “QR code” that the taxpayers can download relative data via scanning the code. In the meantime, the working mode as “one staff, one post, double computers, and double systems” was implemented in the joint office. Every staff working there was facilitated with two computer monitors that they can switch national tax and local tax businesses easily by one keyboard toggle. 25 tax businesses as tax registration, tax reporting and collection, invoice management, and etc. are available to be settled in one working window. Now, the taxpayers can settle both national and local taxes businesses without changing working window, which helped to save 50% time for each case.