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Distance Education Offered by Jiahe County Helps to Increase Farmers’ Income


“The ecological fertilizer we applied last year was not fermented, which was not so good for cultivation of grapes. After studying via ‘Red Star Videos’, we learned to apply the organic fertilizer, which enabled all the grapes harvested this year were sweet.” As introduced by Li Benxiong who is from Jiahe Runjie Green Ecological Agriculture Demonstration Park, the yield and quality of grapes were upgraded via learning the skills shown on “Red Star Videos”. In this year, the grape farm can be favored with 600,000yuan more income.


“Red Star Videos” is a study platform provided by Organization Commission of Hunan Provincial Party Committee. Different contents as the Party’s policies, skill trainings for farmers, cultural life, regional features, and etc. are available there. Because it is very practical, the masses quite favor with it. In recent years, Jiahe County placed great attention on increasing farmers’ income and played the best advantages of the distance education. It took active actions on exploring some long term mechanisms for serving people and increasing farmers’ income.


Till now, there are 183 distance education stations available in the county, 10 of which are located in towns and counties, 167 are in villages, and 6 are in communities. It is with 100% coverage rate in the whole county. 150,000yuan special funds were arranged by the financial budget every year. No less than 1500yuan maintenance fees were distributed to the stations, which ensures that the facilities used for the distance education to be operated properly. As required, the party members, cadres, and people should study the distance education courses no less than twice per month, each time no less than one hour.


Wangyangtang Village of Jiahe County was used to be with very poor collective economic condition. In order to lift local people out of poverty, the village took the best advantages of distance education. As introduced by Li Shuisheng who is a tobacco farmer of the village, due to poor technological condition, they can only gain 2600yuan/mu in 2013, but after learning the pests control skills from the “Red Star Videos”, they can gain 5000yuan/mu in 2016.


“We sincerely hope that the coverage of distance education can become a propaganda window, technological platform, and supporting point for increasing people’s income,” said Deng Wenwu who is the Memner of Jiahe County Party Committee and Minister of Organization Department. Some professional technicians will be dispatched to guide local people with specified technologies in next step. All of those are purposely to lift local people out of poverty.