On March 30, some left-behind women were seen busy making cosmetic bags in a handbag production factory in Caikoushui Village, Beihu District, Chenzhou City.
The factory head said that he opened two poverty alleviation workshops in Yangtianhu Yao Township, mainly producing schoolbags and backpacks, which are sold to Europe, America, Taiwan and other places, with a monthly production capacity of 30,000 bags.
All staff of the factory are local left-behind women, with an average monthly salary of about 3,000 yuan. The two workshops provide jobs for more than 40 people, and now it needs more staff.
For over two years, the two workshops have achieved the annual output value of more than 2 million yuan. While creating job opportunities for rural women, it also drives the development of local logistics and injects new vitality into rural revitalization.