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Suxian Bridge Section to be Closed for Construction on September 22, 2014

two heavy cranes were lifting the bridge girder of the extension project of Suxian bridge at 4:00a.m ......2014-09-12

2014 Trans-Chenzhou Transformation Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Launched Officially

How can Chenzhou city’s small and medium-sized enterprises handle the transformation under th ......2014-09-12

10 Urban Projects Approved Together

It was reported that a concentrated approval conference for urban projects was held in Chenzhou cit ......2014-09-11

Chenzhou Jiahe Section of 2014 Trans-China Cycling Closes Successfully

It was reported that at 10:00a.m. of September 10, 2014, Chenzhou Jiahe section of 2014 Trans-Chin ......2014-09-11

High Speed Train of Chenzhou to Nanchang to be Operated on September 16, 2014

It was learned from Chenzhou Xi station- high speed train station of Chenzhou city that the high sp ......2014-09-10

Chenzhou Delegation Wins Two Gold Medals and Two Bronze Medals in Wrestling of Hunan Provincial Sports Meeting

It was reported on September 4, 2014- the second day of Hunan provincial sports meeting, Chenzhou d ......2014-09-10

Yongxing and Yizhang County Enrolled into Chenzigui Two-oriented Society Construction Demonstration Area

It was learned that Yongxing county and Yizhang county were enrolled into Chenzigui two oriented so ......2014-09-10

Rucheng Forest Police Station Carries out an Activity Entitled as “Protecting Forest Resources, Establishing Green Home”

Followed the concept to protect Dongjiang lake’s ecological resource and to practice the Part ......2014-09-09

No Accident for Chenzhou City’s Construction Projects

It was learned from Chenzhou construction projects’ quality and safety supervision station th ......2014-09-09

Keep Going ahead in Hunan Province on Reform and Revolution

It was reported that Zhao Xiaoming- Deputy Secretary of Hunan Provincial Party Committee led a supe ......2014-09-08

The ANC Council for the Promotion of Economic Development Visits Chenzhou City

Chenzhou city was planned to be developed as the core city for its further development in south Chin ......2014-09-07

Security Work to be Arranged for Chenzhou Jiahe Stop of 2014 “Trans- China” Cycling

According to the time schedule, Chenzhou Jiahe stop of 2014 5th Trans-China International Highway C ......2014-09-06

Xiangnan International Logistic Park Becomes More Beautiful along with Promotion of Establishment of National Civilized City

Office building of the international logistic parkYijie Logistics in Xianquan roadClear and tidy Guo ......2014-09-06

Riders Experience “Roller Coaster” on Pengzhou Section of 2014 “Trans-China” Cycling

It was reported the 5th section of the first stage of the 5th Trans-China International Cycling was ......2014-09-05

Mountainous Section for 2014 “Trans-China” Cycling of Bazhong Stop

It was reported that the mountainous section of 2014 International “Trans-China” Cyclin ......2014-09-04

Xiangnan Comprehensive Market Promoted Fluently

When reporters walked along Chenzhou Avenue, they saw the marketing center of Xiangnan Comprehensiv ......2014-09-04

Training Projects Help to Increase 8000 More Employments

It was learned from Anren Human Resources and Social Administration Bureau that a training project ......2014-09-03

100% Operation Rate for Chenzhou City’s Affordable Housing Projects

It was learned from Chenzhou Housing Authority that the operation rate for Chenzhou city’s af ......2014-09-03

Mangshan Tunnel of Huang-Mang Highway Cut-through

At 15:28, August 28, 2014, Mangshan tunnel which was the key and controlled project of Huangsha- Ma ......2014-09-02

Gaojian Village Places 200,000yuan on Construction of Greening Park

When reporters arrived at the greening park of Gaojian village, Yangmeishan town in the evening of ......2014-09-02

2014 “Trans-China” Cycling Opens in Xi’an City

It was reported that the first stage of 2014 Trans-China International Cycling was opened in Xi&rsq ......2014-09-02

122 Key Projects with 43.84Billion Yuan Investment Carry out in Guiyang County

When reporters arrived at Guiyang Rongchengzhiguang project’ construction site on August 26, 2014, ......2014-09-01


Series report for Chenzhou city’s establishment of national civilized city III ......2014-09-01

Butterfly Change- Chenzhou City’s Development Pattern Changes Rapidly

It is so short time for a city’s development in one year. How can it be changed in one year? ......2014-08-31

Overfulfilling 2013 Annual Energy-saving Targets

A report on the performance of 2013 annual energy-saving targets was issued by energy-saving office ......2014-08-31