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Beihu Section Reconstruction of Chenzhou-Zixing-Guiyang City Road



Project Initiator: Chenzhou Beihu District Communications Construction and Investment Co., Ltd.


Add: No.5 Nanhu Road, Chenzhou City, Hunan


Zip Code: 423000


Project Content:

The road length is 16.5km, divided into 4 bid sections (as B1, B2, B3, B4 based on mile pile). The road width in city and town is 54m and suburb is 37m. The road starts from Station Front Avenue on the east, and ends at Zhenzhu Avenue of Guiyang County on the west, in west-east direction. The construction content includes civil works within the red line (as road bed, drainage, road surface), greening, lighting, fire fight facilities installation and road accessory facility construction.


Total Investment: USD 151.67 million


Cooperation Forms: BT


Contact Person: Deng Xiaoming


Tel: 15873501968