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40 Million Yuan Subsidized Loans Assist Guidong People



“Many thanks to the entrepreneurship training courses carried out by Guidong County Human Resources and Social Department for my business becomes much better than ever before.” said by one boss- Zhu Yuling, a baby supermarket of Guidong county. After taking an “operating management” course organized by Guidong County Human Resources and Social Department, Zhu decided to open her private business with subsidized loans from the department. Now, 36 rural migrant workers work in her supermarket. It was learned that 1283 people had benefited from the training courses held by the department. Besides the training, the department kept following the further improvement on training attendants by providing a load support to them. Till now, 40 million yuan subsidized loans have been issued to 1000 people and 7 enterprises, which helped to provide over 6000 job vacancies.