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Chenzhou is One of the Preferred Industrial Transfer Destinations



Interview with Tang Ge- Deputy Director of China Mainland Ministry of Hong Kong Council of Promotion of International Trade


In the morning of June 19, Tang Ge- Deputy Director of China Mainland Ministry of Hong Kong Council of Promotion of International Trade accepted an exclusive interview with Chenzhou Daily.


The key function for Hong Kong Council of Promotion of International Trade was to keep sound communication between Hong Kong and China mainland governments on the investment issues, and assist Hongkong local companies to carry out the the industrial transfer, industrial upgrading and investment issues in China mainland. It was an important coordinating body for the communication between Hong Kong and China mainland.


Chenzhou city’s sound environmental condition was impressed in Tang Ge’s mind when he visited Chenzhou in earlier years. Tang said the key rule for the industrial transfer was geographical condition and location advantages. It was one of the key industrial transfer destinations for Hong Kong enterprises’ industrial transfer, because it was very convenient to take high speed railway from Hong Kong to Chenzhou and because Chenzhou was the first stop of Hunan province from the south area.


With the on-site investigation of Chenzhou city, Tang considered that Chenzhou city was with great advantages on land, resources, human resources, etc.. And the series favorable policies on undertaking industrial transfer granted Chenzhou city with a high level economical development index.


It was introduced by Tang that he was taking the active actions to promote the negotiations among Hong Kong modern service industry enterprises, financial service enterprises and Chenzhou government. He sincerely hoped more strategic investors could take investment in Chenzhou city.