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Chenzhou Economy Update: GDP 72.64 Billion Yuan



Growth of GDP and fiscal revenue ranked the second and first place of Hunan province separately


A press conference was held by Chenzhou Government on July 23 for updating the economic condition of Chenzhou city in the first half year.


According to the preliminary statistics, GDP was amounted to 72.64 billion yuan with a growth of 10.7%, ranking the second place of Hunan province with 0.7% higher rate; total fiscal revenue hit 11.03 billion yuan with a growth of 20%, ranking the first place of Hunan province with 4.9% higher rate; fixed assets investment was reached 62.45 billion yuan with a growth of 34.7% which was 8.6% higher than Hunan provincial average level.


Increase rate for consumption of jewelry was up to 48.7%

The economic development condition and living condition of one city could be shown from the data of consumption. It was learned that the increased urban employment and rural transferred employment of Chenzhou city were kept stable in the first half year. Due to this stable condition, it was estimated that urban and rural per capita disposal income could be with an increase rate of 12% in the first half year.


Along with the increase of income, the consumption level would be increased accordingly. It was reported that the total retail sales of consumer goods was amounted to 29.25 billion yuan, up 11.9% in the first half year.


At the meantime, the price of gold kept decreasing. Many citizens considered that would be a good chance for purchasing gold. So the increase rate for consumption of jewelry was up to 48.7% in Chenzhou city. Some other consumption as garment, daily commodity, electric equipment, and automobile were with different increase rate as 47.1%, 28.2%, 27.8% and 23.9%.


More than one million tourists visited Chenzhou city

It was shown from the data that more than 13.20 million tourists visited Chenzhou city in the first half year, which helped to achieve 8.48 billion yuan tourism revenue, up 22.7%. Due to this hot tourism industry development, Chenzhou city became more famous nationwide and attracted more investment accordingly.


In the first half year, total volume of foreign trade was reached $ 1.14 billion with an increase of 49.5% which was 39.5% higher than Hunan provincial level. 185 undertaking industrial transfer projects were settled down in Chenzhou city. 1.82 million square meters standard workshops were completed with an renting rate of over 90%. 5.8 billion yuan profit was hit by scaled industries of Chenzhou city with a growth of 21.7%.


More than 313kms rural roads have been finished in Chenzhou city

Chenzhou city kept placing much more concern on the well-being projects. In the first half year, 70 well-being project in the list of “100 well-being projects” have been fulfilled in Chenzhou city, 20 of which were finished ahead of time schedule. 313.60kms rural roads have been finished. At the meantime, some other issues as reinforcement of dangerous water reservoir, reconstruction of dangerous rural houses, upgrading of minimum living standard insurance, construction of new rural demonstration villages, establishment of farmers professional cooperatives, construction of low-rent houses and public renting housing, reconstruction of shanty houses, etc. were handled out with great achievements.