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Acceleration for Construction Guiyang Non-ferrous Metal Smelting and Processing Project Zone



When Liu Hesheng- Deputy Secretary of Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee arrived at Guiyang Non-ferrous Metal Smelting and Processing Project Zone, workers were busy with the construction work. It was introduced that some of the construction work would be finished before the end of this year. After checking some construction sites, Liu required further improvement for the construction of the project zone should be accelerated with unified idea and strong confidence.


Guiyang Non-ferrous Metal Smelting and Processing Project Zone is located in the central west part of Guiyang county. Currently, beside Tanshan avenue which has been placed to construction, Rongfeng avenue was under the preparatory work of land acquisition after finishing the design and pile work for land acquisition and was planned to be started before this November 20. The road framework for the project zone would be carried out soon as well. Next step, more than 3000mu land acquisition work would be finished before the end of November and some more projects as Rongfeng avenue and its branches, sewage treatment plant, etc. would be placed to construction.


Liu stated that the construction work for this project zone was followed Chenzhou city’s practical condition well. It should be carried out with high level planning, design and standards. All the relative departments should coordinate together to solve the problems hindered on the way of construction and help to accelerate the construction speed. It should be improved as a leading special project zone.