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Consumer Market of Chenzhou City Keeps Rising Steadily in First Half Year



It was learned from Chenzhou Statistic Bureau that though under the downstream pressure of domestic economy, Chenzhou city’s consumer market was kept rising steadily in first half year of 2014 by changing economic development mode, promoting optimization and upgrading of industrial structure and cultivating more growth points of consumption.


Retail sales of consumer goods was kept rising steadily

The total retail sales of consumer goods was amounted to 32.9billion yuan, up 12.8% which was 0.9% higher than last year and 0.2% faster than the first quarter of 2014. Concerning for the regions, the retail sales of consumer goods for the urban and rural areas were amounted to 23.69billion yuan and 9.21billion yuan, up 12.3% and 13.7% respectively. Concerned for the industries, the volumes of wholesale, retail, hotels and catering were 3.93billion yuan, 24.85billion yuan, 730million yuan and 3.39billion yuan, up 15.6%, 10.6%, 13.6% and 13.15 separately. The total retail sales of consumer goods for above designated size enterprises hit 10.68billion yuan, up 17.35 which was 6.35 higher than last year. All the data showed that Chenzhou city’s consumer market was kept rising steadily in first half year of 2014.


Consumption of the necessities became the key support for the rising

Under the high pressure of downstream of economic development, the consumption of the necessities became the key support for the rising. It increased 23.6% from this January to June.


Consumption of catering kept rising

Along with the change of market, Chenzhou city’s catering industry was proceed to the structural adjustment. More economic and convenient catering was accepted by the masses. So from the beginning of this year, Chenzhou city’s catering industry kept rising. According to the data, the total volume of the catering enterprises increased 12.3% which was 2.3% faster than last year. The above designated enterprises’ catering industry was with an increase rate of 11.6% which was 0.9% faster than last year.


Auto show helped to promote the consumption of autos

Due to the upgrading of people’s living condition, acceleration of reform on government cars, and promotion of auto shows, the sales of autos increased rapidly. The consumption of autos became the hottest consumption topic of Chenzhou people and greatly helped to promote the upgrading of consumption structure at this stage. The total auto consumption of Chenzhou city ht 2.68billion yuan, up 27.5% which was 4.1% higher than last year, which greatly helped to promote Chenzhou city’s total retail sales of consumer goods. It covered 8.5% of the total retail sales, contributing 16% to the sales and promoting 2.1% increase of the total retail sales. Auto consumption became the second largest consumption part of Chenzhou city, which was just lower than petroleum. The 4-day auto show held in this spring in Chenzhou city attracted over 220,000 visitors. 1277 autos were sold on the show, accounting to 300million yuan.