Phone Number
Business Hours
Summer Time:
Winter Time
Renmin Road (E) Business Hall
No. 10, Renmin Road (E), Chenzhou City
+86 735 2236005
8: 00—20: 00
8: 00—20: 00
Wuling Square Business Hall
No. 9, Wuling Road, Chenzhou City
+86 735 2166411
8: 00—18: 00
8: 00—18: 00
Joindoor Business Hall
Inside Chenzhou Joindoor Supermarket
+86 735 2260012/2981010
8: 30—22: 00
8: 30—21: 30
Jujin Road Business Hall
Right in front of Chenzhou Fourth People’s Hospital
+86 735 2882912/6837996
8: 30—18: 00
8: 30—17: 30
Guoqing Road (S) Business Hall
No. 14, Guoqing Road (S)
+86 735 2260822/6619666
8: 30—18: 00
8: 30—17: 30
Xiangnan University Business Hall
Building C1, on campus of Xiangnan University
+86 735 2656565/2961312
8: 30—18: 00
8: 30—17: 30
Xiangxue Road Business Hall
New Shop in front of the Telecommunications Office,
Liujiaoba Suburbs,Chenzhou City
+86 735 2195611/2954816
8: 30—18: 00
8: 30—17: 30
Xiamei Bridge Business Hall
No. 114, Gongye Avenue, Xiamei Bridge
+86 735 2835991/6872480
8: 30—18: 00
8: 30—17: 30
Wuling Business Hall
No. 114-115, Building 1, Wuling Market
+86 735 2180681/6404069
8: 30—18: 00
8: 30—17: 30
In the rear of Huaxin Computer City of Tianhe Road (N)
+86 735 2266903/6693946
8: 30—18: 00
8: 30—17: 30
Renmin Road (W) Business Hall
No. 22-13, Renmin Road (W)
+86 735 2260162/2930137
8: 30—18: 00
8: 30—17: 30