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Implementary Views on Accelerating the Undertaking Industrial Transfer and Development of Open Economy


From Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee File

Chenzhou (2012) No.4

Date: February 14, 2012


To seize the chance of constructing South Hunan’s demonstration area of undertaking industrial transfer, and speed up the development of Chenzhou city, the municipal party committee and Chenzhou government presented the following implementary views:


1. Main objectives
Chenzhou city will build new standard workshops with 10million square meters in the following 3 years. More than 1000 enterprises and over 100 billion yuan investment will be introduced to Chenzhou city. The total industrial added value will exceed 100billion yuan. The total import &export trade value and procession industry trade will be increased annually by more than 20% on average. International economy cooperation contracts will be increased by 18%. Chenzhou will attract 2 or 3 top 500 global enterprises. The “two-oriented society” demonstration belt of Chenzhou avenue and Chenzhou-Yongxing-Yizhang road will take the lead in opening wider and undertaking industrial transfer. Chenzhou will strive to achieve the double increase in added value of nine provincial industry parks.


2. Support Policies
2.1 policies on undertaking industrial transfer and investment promotion
2.1.1 Chenzhou will actively introduce strategy investors. For the global Top 500 and domestic Top 500 enterprises who will come to Chenzhou, Chenzhou city will give support on construction planning, financial aid, tax policies and etc.
2.1.2 To encourage introducing province wide to establish the assorted enterprises. Chenzhou city will give support on the tax policies.
2.1.3 To support the enterprises to expand investment and improve the technology and creation.
2.1.4 To establish system to share the right, responsibility, and profit.
2.2.5 To introduce international procession and manufacture industry


2.2 Policies on international trade
2.2.1 To encourage the trade company to expand the exportation capacity, especially in high technology and mechanical items with financial support.
2.2.2 To support the international business with subsidy.
2.2.3 To assist the establishment of provincial international export trade base by reward.
2.2.4 More support on processing trade
2.2.5 Support the service trade and out sourcing.
2.2.6 Actively support the expansion of import


2.3 Policies on worldwide economic cooperation
2.3.1 To establish good environment to attract Chenzhou native businessmen to come back to carve out COO.
2.3.2 Support the oversea investment of native enterprises (except possessions transfer of abroad property between domestic enterprises)
2.3.3 Simplify the entry and exit procedures


2.4 Policies on finance and tax.
Chenzhou will set up a special fund for open economy development. In the future 5 years, the annual budget of it will be not lower than 50 million yuan.


3. Intensified measures
3.1 Promote the platform function of the developing parks
3.1.1 Reinforce the guidance of industrial park planning and project development
3.1.2 Speed up the carrier construction. Chenzhou will support South Hunan International Logistic park to apply the provincial level industrial park and strive to set provincial developing park in Anren and Guidong county.
3.1.3. Attract more transfer industries to gather in the industrial park. Chenzhou will set different reward standards to encourage the development in the area.
3.1.4 Support the construction of standard workshops in the park.
3.1.5 Emphasis on the public service support system.


3.2 Expedite the development of modern logistic
3.2.1 Speed up the traffic net construction to establish logistic fast channel
3.2.2 Speed up the port custom clearance system


3.3 Guarantee adequate land support
3.3.1 Enhance the plan target of the land for construction.
3.3.2 Overall land use plan for different conditions.
3.3.3 Perfect the implementary policies at bottom price for industry land using.


3.4 Reinforce the financial aid
3.4.1 Support financial institution to create new credit product and loan model for industrial transfer
3.4.2 Support warrant institution and enlarge the financing guarantee and loan interest deduct
3.4.3 Encourage enterprises to seek financing by listing on the stock market


3.5 Consolidate the sufficient HR
3.5.1 Actively introduce worldwide advanced technology, management, and intellectual resources
3.5.2 Train a variety of vocational talents
3.5.3 Focus on the provincial transfer problem of social insurance and medical insurance


3.6 Optimize the opening environment
3.6.1 Accelerate the reform of administrative examination and approval system.
3.6.2 Keep optimizing the environment for external investments.
3.6.3 Strive for getting policy support for undertaking industrial transfer from superior department


4. All Chenzhou government departments work together to propel the development.
4.1 Establish the working lead team to guarantee the undertaking industrial transfer work to keep steadily.
4.2 Perfect the work coordinating system.
4.3 Optimize the performance assessment system.