It was reported that the 3-day balloon volleyball game (departments and enterprises group) of first Chenzhou Games was finished in Five Successive Championships Women’s Volleyball Training Base on September 24, 2015. Till then, all games for the balloon volleyball of the first Chenzhou Games were finished. Wang Zhou- Deputy Mayor of Chenzhou City attended the awarding ceremony.
The balloon volleyball games were carried out with 2 out of 3 sets and 21 scoring system. 15 teams of departments and enterprises attended the games. Chenzhou Local Taxation Bureau and Chenzhou National Taxation Bureau met each other in the men’s final. The audience was impressed with their vigorous spikes and perfect blocks on this intense final.
Finally, Chenzhou Local Taxation Bureau, Chenzhou National Taxation Bureau and Sports Training Base won the first, second and third place of the men’s games separately, while Chenzhou Railway, Chenzhou Industrial Traffic School and Chenzhou National Taxation Bureau won the first, second and third place of the women’s games respectively.