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Non-local Chambers of Commerce Serve for Chenzhou City


It was learned from Chenzhou Commerce Bureau that in recent years, non-local chambers of commerce of Chenzhou city ( including Chenzhou city’s chambers of commerce in other places and other places’ chambers of commerce set in Chenzhou city) played sound roles on the communication among Chenzhou city and other places and made positive contributions to promote foreign contact, economic cooperation, cultural exchange, and harmonious society in Chenzhou city. 


In recent years, Chenzhou Municipal Party Committee and Chenzhou Government clearly pointed out “paying closer attention on commerce and supporting the development of Chenzhou chambers of commerce” and issued many favorable policies to promote the development of non-local chambers of commerce. Currently, 77 noon-local chambers (associations) of commerce were qualified with license in Chenzhou city. More than 20,000 members joined in the chambers with the total capitals of over one hundred billion yuan. The chambers helped Chenzhou city to keep the connection with over 0.3million industrial and commercial public figures and provide more than 0.3million job vacancies (90,000 Chenzhou people were employed by Chenzhou Chambers of Commerce set in other places). According to the statistics, the chambers contributed over ten billion yuan tax payments to Chenzhou city and other places every year.


Chenzhou non-local chambers played their best advantages of platforms to promote the investment attraction. 2012-2015, Chenzhou city held undertaking industrial transfer investment attraction promotion conference, red ecology tourism festival, south Hunan “trade fair”, real estate investment attraction conference, and some other activities, which attracted more than 200 projects, 98 of which have been settled down and placed to operation, and attracted over 10billion yuan investment which contributed over 1.831billion yuan profits. Furthermore, non-local chambers of Chenzhou city played its best role of bridge to assist Chenzhou city to hold 129 investment attraction activities in different cities and recommend more merchants to visit Chenzhou city. According to the statistics, 83 projects with 16.236billion yuan have been settled down in Chenzhou city. 


Chenzhou non-local chambers served for the enterprises effectively and protected their rights. Currently, some information platform as web, wechat, journal, and etc. were set by non-local chambers, which helped to issue relative policies and information to the members. On learning some members’ tight budget problems, the chambers carried out different measures to promote the cooperation among banks, chambers, and enterprises and ease their pressure effectively. Furthermore, law service platforms and special rights protection departments were established by most of the non-local chambers. Once the members’ rights were violated, the chambers will provide the law service for them to protect their legitimate rights.


Furthermore, Chenzhou non-local chambers and their members took active actions on public affairs. According to the incomplete statistics, over 100million yuan donations were contributed by the chambers from 2011 to 2015. Chenzhou Chamber of Commerce of Guangdong Province donated over 20million yuan to handle aid-education, disaster preventions, and etc. One-million-yuan special supporting capitals were set for the “one-stop” assist for the graduates’ education, employment, innovation, and entrepreneurship. From 2008, Chenzhou Chamber of Commerce of Dongguan city donated 5million yuan to support Chenzhou city’s work on construction of roads and bridges and education.


It was learned that besides the 8 non-local chambers which have been placed to operation, the preparation groups for the chambers in 12 places of Xi’an, Xiamen, Wenzhou, Shenyang, etc., and some countries as Indonesia, Thailand, South Africa, Cambodia, and etc. were established as well.

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